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SelfRecoding® is a combination of disciplines and methodologies designed to achieve the best results possible in the shortest timeframe. All of these have their genesis on clinical and scientific research. I have established a series of links between each methodology so that it applies individually to every subject and every subject matter.

Through my combination of disciplines, you will experience a broader range and depth of understanding of yourself and those around you.

My programs are easy to understand, participative and interactive so that lessons learned can be applied immediately to kick start the process of recovery and rebuilding.


SelfRecoding® is a combination of disciplines and methodologies designed to achieve the best results possible in the shortest timeframe. All of these have their genesis on clinical and scientific research. I have established a series of links between each methodology so that it applies individually to every subject and every subject matter.

Through my combination of disciplines, you will experience a broader range and depth of understanding of yourself and those around you.

My programs are easy to understand, participative and interactive so that lessons learned can be applied immediately to kick start the process of recovery and rebuilding.

SelfRecoding – Tapping

I believe that our problems are the result of the subconscious working efficiently with the information it holds.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming, in short NLP, encompasses the three most influential components involved in human experience.

Energy Psychology

Energy psychology (EP) is a collection of mind-body approaches for understanding and improving human functioning.

SelfRecoding® - Weight Release Program

Why we believe diets and pills don’t work?

Science shows that diets have a 2% success rate. 

That also means it has a 98% fail rate.

Why? Because diets and pills don’t change our thinking habits.

These strategies are only suppressing our appetite. The root cause remains unaddressed. That is why diets and pills have such a massive failure rate. Suppressing appetite does not address the root cause of your subconscious programs. Whatever you suppress still remains active under the surface. 

Why suppressing our appetite doesn’t work? 

Try to suppress thinking of the pink elephant with red dots. See? 

You put lots of effort into pushing against something, and wherever the energy goes everything grows.

Why do we call our program weight release?

Losing weight isn’t working. No one likes to lose anything. 

Don’t we tend to try and find whatever is lost? That explains the yo-yo effect most people experience during or after a diet. 

The word weight loss itself is already indicating that your subconscious mind will try to prevent you from losing. Changing our vocabulary, using weight-release instead of weight-loss already indicates progress.

Why is changing the emotions around food and eating so powerful?

Food doesn’t love you! It will never fill your real need and the emptiness you’re feeling inside. Only YOU can fill that within you! Our weight release program supports you meeting your real needs. When you label your food (or energy drinks) negatively, you actually INCREASE your desire to have it. Because you charge it with emotions (energy in motion). Both good and negative emotions charge the importance of every thought you think. 

The moment you believe “I can’t have it,” your body wants it. 

We believe addressing the emotional charge to food can be recoded, and naturally our relationship with food, eating, and our body changes. These changes are lasting once there is an updated program running in our subconscious mind. 

Why are there no food restrictions?

SelfRecoding® allows you to eat anything, drink anything, but will update your mind’s software and recode it to choose not to.  

Your updated software will remind you “I’m happy without it” and “I enjoy the freedom to choose healthy food and water.” 

You can have all kinds of food and drinks around you and you are happy to choose “I’m ok without eating that”, “I’m fine without drinking that”.

Ideal Weight Forever Program

  • There's no new diet or exercise regimes needed
  • It only takes 35 minutes a day for 21 days to start the self-recoding process
  • Watch as your body comes back into balance and naturally achieves your ideal weight

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this site and related sites do not provide medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, therapy, or treatment. Selfrecoding® (or “tapping”) is not intended to diagnose or treat any particular individual or condition. Do not use any information whatsoever on this site without consulting your licensed medical and mental health professional first. By remaining on this site you agree to the Disclaimer, Terms of Service Privacy Policy, and Copyright Statement.

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